11 Tips in Choosing Your Ideal Power Chair

11 Tips in Choosing Your Ideal Power Chair

Are you in the market for a power chair? These products can be pricey, but they are well worth the expense. A power chair can bring independence back to your life and offer some renewed freedom. Because they are expensive, you want to invest in a power chair that fits your needs. With so many options and features, finding your perfect electric power chair can be difficult. 

This article will provide some hot tips as you search for a power chair for sale. By following these suggestions, you’ll be able to make a worthwhile purchase that you feel good about. 


Find Your Perfect Power Chair

What Is A Power Chair

Mobility devices can go a long way - both figuratively and literally. They are products that can enhance the quality of life. We will help secure your investment, so you can get the best bang for your buck. You’ll be thrilled with a power chair that meets your personal needs. 


What Is a Power Chair?

There are several mobility aids on the market. Some common mobility aids are walkers, crutches, wheelchairs, and scooters. The aid that we will be discussing today is the power chair. The power chair is similar to a traditional wheelchair. However, it doesn’t require manual movement like a regular wheelchair. 

A power chair is a good fit for those with chronic conditions or poor dexterity. To move the power chair, you will have a toggle or tiller. You won’t require a caretaker to maintain your daily tasks. Because of this, power chairs have grown in popularity over the past several years. 


Tips for Finding a Power Chair

Tips For Finding A Power Chair

You’ll want to consider many different factors when looking for a power chair for sale. Battery powered chairs are available in many different styles, features, and functionalities. Because of this, you’ll want to find an electric power chair that meets your individual needs. 

1. Type

There are two primary types of electric power chairs. These are the travel power chair and full-size power chair.

You'll want to ask yourself some questions to determine the best type of power chair for you. These questions include:

  • How often will you use another form of transportation, such as a car, public transit, or airplane?
  • Will you use your power chair throughout most of the day?
  • Is the comfort of the power chair a priority to you?
  • Do you need a heavy-duty chair that can excel in different terrains?

A travel power chair often doesn't have a large cushion for travel. Because of this, they can lack comfort. However, travel power chairs can often collapse for easy transport. This is an important feature if you frequently travel by car or airplane. Travel chairs are also typically rear-wheel drive or front-wheel drive, and they have a lower weight capacity. 

A full-size power chair is likely a better fit for individuals who spend a lot of their day in their chairs. These chairs often feature more cushioning and larger seats. They also are known to have better range and speed. 

2. Price and Coverage

Power chairs can be expensive! This is important to know before beginning to shop. A battery powered chair can cost anywhere between $1000 and $15,000. This is an extensive range. Thankfully, some insurance plans will cover some of the cost. 

Before buying, look at your health insurance. Will it cover any part of the power chair? After that, look at your budget. Be willing to spend enough money to get a high-quality power chair. However, make sure to stay within a price point that is comfortable for you. 

3. Reviews

Once you’ve narrowed down a few different power chair brands, look at the reviews. Some power chairs have exceptional reviews, such as the Shoprider steamer. Investing in a chair with good social proof is always a good idea. 

Look at reviews that discuss the comfort, range, and mechanics of the power chair. Look to see how long a company has been in business and whether they have happy customers. Also, take a look at the warranty associated with the power chair. Reading reviews from real customers can help solidify your purchase. 

If you see any red flags, look elsewhere. 

4. Lifestyle

Your living conditions are an important factor in buying an electric power chair. There are many different things to consider, such as:

  • Will you typically drive your power chair indoors or outdoors?
  • What kind of terrain will your power chair be used in?
  • Do you live in a condo, assisted living complex, or a house?
  • Will you come into contact with many hills or slopes?

These questions will all help you narrow down a power chair. If you want an outdoor chair used on rocky terrain, you'll need heavy-duty wheels and a good range. If you want an indoor chair, you'll want a smaller option that can fit through doorways. 

Furthermore, if you have limited space in a condo, opting for a chair that can collapse or fold may be better. 

5. Drive System

Power wheelchairs come with three different drive systems:

  1. Front-wheel (FWD)
  2. Mid-wheel (MWD)
  3. Rear-wheel (RWD)

FWD keeps the power toward the front wheels. There will then be caster wheels at the back of the chair. FWD chairs often are easy to control, have good clearance, and have impressive stability. 

MWD may also be referred to as center drive. This features a tight turning radius, which is great for indoor traveling. It works best on flat terrain and can easily tackle inclines. These chairs are heavier, which isn't great for transport. 

Lastly, the RWD keeps the power on the back wheels. The caster wheels will be located in the front. This has good maneuverability and can easily tackle rough terrain. RWD power chairs can easily track straight and are easy to control. Unfortunately, they have a large turning radius. 

6. Controller

Power chairs can come with different controllers. Two common controllers are a joystick and a keypad. 

A joystick control is the most common. There may be better options for those with limited dexterity, as it requires constant pressure. A keypad can also control speed and direction but has other features too. For example, a keypad can control the horn and recline of the chair. 

Find a controller that doesn’t require too much focus or discomfort to control. 

7. Speed

How fast do you need your wheelchair to go? Full-size power chairs often have a higher maximum speed than travel power chairs. A full-size power chair is likely better if you want to move faster. 

Power chairs often travel at a speed of four to six miles per hour. Some options will go slightly faster. If you want to go at a fast pace, RWD power chairs typically have the best control when traveling quickly. 

8. Seating Size

Finding a seat that comfortably fits your body is essential. If you are larger than your seat, you will quickly become uncomfortable as you travel. Travel chairs often have a smaller seat size. This can be inconvenient for those who require more space. 

Look at a seat size that accommodates you. Also, consider the maximum weight capacity. You'll want to take any personal belongings into account for weight capacity. For example, if you want to put your groceries in the storage basket, that will go toward your weight capacity. 

9. Width of Chair

When traveling outdoors, the chair's width isn't as big of a concern. However, when you are moving inside hallways and doorways, width matters. You'll have trouble going between rooms if your chair is too broad. 

Travel power chairs are often more narrow than full-size power chairs. If you are traveling inside most of the time, look for a more narrow chair than a doorway. This will ensure that you can maneuver around the home or building comfortably. 

10. Comfort

If you spend a lot of time in your power chair, you'll want it to be comfortable. This will include a footrest, armrests, and a padded seat. For example, the Shoprider steamer offers luxurious comfort. 

If you spend too much time in a basic seat, you may begin to develop pressure ulcers. This is why travel chairs are best for part-time use. Look into the amount of cushioning, the material, and how you feel in the seat. This is a huge factor in purchasing a battery powered chair. 

11. Seat Functions

Power chairs can have different seat functions. Some power chairs can recline, stand, raise your legs, and even tilt. For some people, this can make a big difference in the chair's practicality. For example, a standing power chair can be easier for transfers. A reclining seat can be good if you need to relax in your chair at the end of the day. 

Look at what extra function you want your seat to have. 



Buying a power chair is an exciting time! There are many options on the market for you to shop from. However, power chairs can be expensive. It’s important to consider some primary factors to find the best option for you. Look at features such as seat functions, comfort, drive type, and reviews to spend your money wisely.