9 Tips for Choosing the Best Electric Mobility Scooter

9 Tips in Choosing the Best Electric Mobility Scooter

You have problems moving independently around the house. Perhaps it’s tricky to walk large distances. These are all situations where an electric mobility scooter can help. 

These vehicles are suitable to use inside houses but also on outdoor terrains. With so many models available, it’s hard to pick the right mobility scooter. The following tips will help identify a vehicle fitting your expectations!


Tips to Choose an Electric Mobility Scooter That Fits Your Preferences

electric mobility scooter

Before continuing, confirm that the rider is capable of using the vehicle. A mobility scooter requires being in a sitting position but with an upright posture. The controls are intuitive but still need some hand strength. Once you confirm suitability to the device, here’s how to choose the best model!

1. Indoor Use Is All About Maneuvering

Your initial consideration is how you will use the scooter. If your mobility aid should help you navigate around the house, put focus on easy maneuvering. 

The turning radius becomes the critical feature. You should aim for it to be as low as possible. It ensures you need minimal space to go around corners. And since there are probably tight areas around the house, this will be beneficial. 

The general rule is that three wheels are a better option for indoor use. You can take these scooters to malls and other closed areas, such as wedding venues, etc. However, avoid going outside and on rough terrains if the scooter doesn’t have the quality to withstand those surfaces.

2. Outdoor Use Requires Durability and Ground Clearance

Once you are certain in your skills to control the scooter, there’s no reason not to ride around the city. Always consult regulations since some laws limit speed and areas where you can move. For example, you need to keep the velocity under 5mph on pavements in the UK.

Ground clearance is imperative for outdoor mobility scooter use. It’ll ensure you can climb curbs and prevent obstacles like rocks from sticking from the ground to damage your vehicle. Full-sized scooters are better for rough terrains. Apart from more clearance, they are also more durable.

3. Consider the Scooter’s Weight and Capacity

Weight is important for two reasons. If you want a portable unit, it’ll make transport simpler. Light mobility scooters are easier to carry, which is why portable vehicles aim to have the minimum weight possible.

Another thing to consider is the bearing capacity. Standard mobility scooters can handle weights up to 300 pounds. That includes the user and any items they carry. 

But if you have problems with extra pounds, go with a heavy-duty mobility scooter. These are more durable and suitable for frequent use. Their bearing capacity can go up to 1,000 pounds. Although they come with higher price tags, they tend to last longer than light scooters.

4. Consider Where You’ll Store It

Your scooter has a battery that powers it. It’s necessary to recharge it occasionally, which requires having access to an electricity source. If you use the vehicle indoors, you only need to consider a convenient place to store it.

Mobility scooters that go outside might get their tires dirty. It’s why not getting them inside is a wise decision. Most people decide to store it in the garage, which usually has a power source for charging.

Some products are foldable or have components that are easy to disassemble. These mobility scooters are most convenient for long-term storage and transport.

5. Battery Is a Crucial Component for Long-Distance Riding

If it seems doable, there’s no reason not to run errands or cruise around the city with a mobility scooter. But if you plan on going far from home, don’t forget the importance of battery life. Depending on the vehicle, you can pass anywhere from 15 to 30+ miles before it needs recharging.

Most mobility scooters come with battery indicators. You’ll find them on the control panels. They might show the estimated range left of the current battery level.

6. Consider Maximum Incline for Uphill Driving

Scooter durability and features like puncture-proof tires are important for rough terrains. Apart from construction quality, each vehicle has the maximum incline it can handle. It depends on motor strength and other factors.

The general rule is that light and travel scooters have a smaller incline range. You can ride them on surfaces up to eight degrees. You’ll need a full-sized scooter for more. Depending on the construction, these vehicles can handle up to a 12-degree incline.

7. You Need a Top-Quality Seating Area

There’s a good reason why manufacturers claim their mobility scooters have executive seats. It’s because they remind us of top-quality chairs. It could be leather or any other material. 

The seat shape should feature an ergonomic design. It helps to offer adjustable height options for everyone to find the ideal fit. As for the actual seat size, the minimum should be around 20x20 inches. Swivel seats are convenient additions since they help position and get out of the scooter.

8. The Importance of Maximum Comfort

How much time do you plan to spend on the mobility scooter? Most people use this vehicle for hours daily. And that’s why maximizing the comfort inside this mobility aid is imperative.

Some areas to analyze include:

  • Seat padding. Each vehicle has it, but the best mobility scooter will have generous cushioning. It ensures you avoid feeling discomfort even after hours in the seat.

  • Back support and headrest. All executive seats in mobility scooters should offer these. The backrest is imperative to keep the user upright. And a place to put your head reduces neck pressure, especially after a while.

  • Armrests. These might simplify controlling the unit. It’s also important to rest your arms when the scooter isn’t moving.

  • Foot space. The place where you’ll position your legs is imperative for long-term comfort. Most scooters have a platform for your feet. Make sure it’s big enough and suitable for your condition. As a rule of thumb, consider your feet should be flat on the platform. Also, the knees should ideally be at 90 degrees.

9. Controls Should Fit Your Abilities

The standard control panels are in a “T” shape. These require holding the tiller with both hands. You’ll need certain manual dexterity for that, as well as to press the desired buttons. 

For example, most units have power and headlight switches you need to activate. There are speed control buttons with multiple options. The throttle lever might be a component, and it’s necessary to pressure it to move. If you stop pushing it, the system will activate the brakes.

If the user doesn’t have the hand strength or dexterity necessary, delta tillers might be a viable alternative. Loop handlebars are generally convenient since throttle operation is simple. It only requires using a thumb or finger.


What Is the Best Mobility Scooter?

Are you having problems deciding on a mobility scooter? Here are the top suggestions and most popular market models currently available!

1. Merits Health Pioneer 9 Electric 3-Wheel Mobility Scooter S331

Merits Health Pioneer 9 Electric 3-Wheel Mobility Scooter S331

Although this is a 3-wheel mobility scooter, it’s suitable for outdoor use. Furthermore, it has high torque to make it suitable for small hills or going up a ramp. Merits used steel to design bumpers to minimize wear and tear.

The premium seat is a huge advantage offered by this mobility scooter. You’ll appreciate the flip-up armrests and generous padding. Tires are flat-free, so there’s no need to pump them. Merits Health Pioneer 9 can reach up to 6 mph. Its travel range is 32 miles on full battery life.

2. EWheels EW-54 Covered Electric 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter

EWheels EW-54 Covered Electric 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter

A covered scooter has more versatility since you can use it while raining. There’s a full windshield in the front. It’ll protect the dirt and small rocks from heading in your direction. The comfortable seat has two adjustments and a generous seating area.

Motor strength is impressive, and the scooter can reach up to 15 miles per hour. Its weight capacity is 500 pounds. It even features a music system with stereo speakers, making it suitable for long rides.

3. Metro Mobility M1 Portal Electric 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter

Metro Mobility M1 Portal Electric 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter

Metro designed an entry-level, portable scooter at an affordable price. It’s ideal for travel since it only takes 20 seconds to fold and place in a car trunk. It doesn’t take much room and has a decent weight capacity of 265 pounds.

The battery can hold up to 20 miles per charge. You’ll find the seat is adjustable and comes with a swivel function for easier positioning. The control panel is intuitive, and safety features like a headlight switch and horn are there.


Final Thoughts

Each factor, from seating height and size to portability and durability, can define if the electric mobility scooter fits your preferences. It’s why your search starts by setting the parameters you need. 

Follow the tips from this article, and don’t forget to pick a premium brand for frequent use. Manufacturers like Merits have 3-wheel scooters that are impressively durable and have a surprising travel range. You can get excellent prices in online stores and benefit from delivery to your doorstep, so don’t hesitate to order now!